ECCC, Case 002/01, Issue 43
Case 002/02
This week the Trial Chamber only sat for two days as all Parties were given time to prepare for the upcoming Appeal Hearings in Case 002/01. This week Expert Witness Ysa Osman appeared before the Chamber to testify on the treatment of the ethnic Cham during the the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) regime. Mr. Osman is currently working as an analyst in the Office of Co-Investigating Judges (OCIJ), has previously worked for the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) and is the author of two books on the Cham people, published by DCCam: Oukoubah and The Cham Rebellion. Based on his research, Mr. Osman was able to provide a great deal of information on the history of the Cham people and the key aspects of Cham identity. He also testified about Cham-led rebellions that occurred in Trea, Koh Phal and Svay Khleang villages, and explained his estimates of the population of Cham people living in Cambodia before and after the DK period. Ysa Osman will return in March to conclude his testimony.