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Human Rights Student Community

Student community-building events

We host periodic receptions, family-style dinners, and other social activities for students. To find out about these events, visit our events page and/or sign up for our official student listserv.

"Rights Place" Student Listserv

If you want to be involved in the Center's student community online, you might consider joining our "Rights Place" student listserv. Members are included in an open listserv, periodically offered discrete opportunities to attend special seminars or volunteer for Center activities, and have the opportunity to meet and socialize with group of students who share common, overlapping interests in a range of human rights topics. You can indicate your interest in joining the "Rights Place" here.

I feel like the minor has been such a great academic space for me, an academic community, which I didn't feel like I had at Stanford. And I feel like I have so many friends I've met through the program or who I find out later are indirectly related to the human rights minor, and it's been great.
Alum Shikha Srinivas wearing a denim jacket in front of a garden
Shikha Srinivas '21