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Human Rights Minor Expression of Interest
Declaring the Human Rights Minor? Or want to learn more? Tell us a little bit about you. We will follow up with more information.
Human Rights Minor Course Plan
Use this form to lay out how you will fulfill the requirements of the Human Rights Minor.
Human Rights Minor Capstone Proposal
This form will help you plan your final capstone thesis or project.
Students, use this form to petition a course you have taken or plan to take to count toward the minor.
Faculty members, use this form to petition one of your courses to count toward the minor.
I feel like the minor has been such a great academic space for me, an academic community, which I didn't feel like I had at Stanford. And I feel like I have so many friends I've met through the program or who I find out later are indirectly related to the Human Rights minor, and it's been great.

Shikha Srinivas '21