Trial Monitoring

Special Court for Sierra Leone, RUF Trial, Update 37

May 20, 2005
Sara Kendall
Special Court for Sierra Leone, RUF Trial, Update 37
Publication Documents
Case or Series

RUF Trial

Case or Series

Special Court for Sierra Leone


Sierra Leone



Trial Chamber I only heard evidence for half of the week in order to allow time before the shift to the CDF case next week. Proceedings began with the continued cross-examination of a witness who was called last week, though much of his evidence in both direct and cross examination was heard in closed session. In concluding the fourth trial session of the RUF case, the prosecution heard testimony from its 34 th witness, who gave evidence in support of allegations of looting, burning, and amputations in the Koinadugu district in 1998. In his concluding remarks, the Presiding Judge thanked both sides for “getting so far this session” despite the fact that the chamber only heard evidence from nine witnesses in a six week period. RUF trial proceedings will resume in the beginning of July.