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Natalie Longmire-Kulis

Program Manager, Southeast Asia Initiatives

Natalie Longmire-Kulis is a Program Manager at the Center, responsible for development and implementation of the Center’s Southeast Asia-related initiatives, focusing on human rights and sustainability. She serves as a liaison between the Center, students, other Stanford-based affiliates, and regional partners to further expand the portfolio of new and growing programs and initiatives focused on Southeast Asia. 

Natalie grew up in Santa Fe, a small town in Northern New Mexico to a French mother and Polish father. She attended Stanford University, where she got her B.A. in International Relations and minored in Human Rights (Class of 2022). While at Stanford, she conducted research on international criminal tribunals, human rights challenges and prospects in Southeast Asia, and the history of genocide and international criminal law. Following graduation, she lived and worked in Indonesia monitoring trials at the human rights court and conducting research on international maritime law for one of Indonesia’s leading ocean justice NGOs. She is excited to return back to the Center, and looks forward to helping spark and foster students’ interest in human rights and sustainability in Southeast Asia.