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New Directions in Genocide Studies: Panel Discussion

Tue April 18th 2023, 4:00 - 5:30pm
Event Sponsor
Center for Human Rights and International Justice
Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC)
Center for Human Rights and International Justice Lounge

Encina Hall, Suite 030

Please join us, live and in person, for a panel discussion on new research directions in Genocide Studies with Dr. Scott Straus, Dr. Rhiannon Neilsen, and Dr. Norman Naimark.

Dr. Straus is a Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley who studies political violence, genocide, human rights, and post-conflict politics with an empirical focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. During the panel he plans to present on questions of escalation and radicalization of genocide and mass violence--the process of shifting from committing to lower levels of violence against civilians to higher ones. Dr. Neilsen is currently a CISAC Cyber Security Fellow, with research interests at the intersection of cyberspace, atrocity prevention, and normative ethics. Dr. Neilsen will discuss her project, 'Algorithms for Atrocity Prevention', where she argues for using ‘cyber humanitarian interventions’ to protect populations from mass atrocities. Dr. Naimark holds the Robert and Florence McDonnell Chair in East European History at Stanford University. Naimark has published on various aspects of the history of genocide and the early history of the Cold War. During the panel, Professor Naimark plans to share an overview of his new book project, “Why Genocide?” and seek feedback on the design of the book.

The panel discussion will be hosted in the lounge of the Center for Human Rights and International Justice and Moderated by the Center's Faculty Co-Director, David Cohen.