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Sustainability, Governance, and Economic Development in SE Asia (EBS 130, ETHICSOC 125H, GLOBAL 126, INTLPOL 225A, INTNLREL 126)
Cohen, D. (PI)
Section Number
Situated at the heart of the broader Indo-Pacific region, Southeast Asia's 11 countries encompass an astonishing range of societies, political systems, economic development, culture, languages, and populations. Despite the many differences, in important ways they face similar challenges in regard to sustainability in the face of climate change, environmental degradation, energy transition, food and water security, poverty, inequality, and the management of conflicts internal and external to their region. Each individual Southeast Asian nation deals with such challenges in ways relevant to their political, economic, environmental, and societal circumstances. At the same time, they have also joined together in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to serve common regional interests and develop long term economic and environmental strategies to promote the security and prosperity of the approximately 670 million citizens of the ASEAN Member States. This course will focus on how Southeast Asian nations manage the tensions between economic development and sustainability, how the policies and strategies they develop impact the societies they are mandated to serve, and the role of good governance, sounds regulatory frameworks, and the rule of law in shaping the outcomes of local, national, and regional initiatives. We will be able to discuss such issues with guest speakers from the region who will participate in several class sessions.
Letter or Credit/No Credit
Academic Career
Course Tags
Contemporary Issues
Academic Year
Section Days
Start Time
1:30 PM
End Time
4:20 PM