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Disability Law
Belt, R. (PI)
Section Number
This is a survey course of disability rights law, with an emphasis on federal and state statutes and case law. Areas of concentration include employment, government services, public accommodations, education, housing, mental health treatment and involuntary commitment, and personal autonomy. We will review such statutes as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Rehabilitation Act (Sec. 504), Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Fair Housing Act Amendments. The course examines disability from a civil and human rights perspective. Elements used in grading: Grades will be based on class participation (20%), and either a final exam (80%) - Section 01 or a long independent research paper (80%) - Section 02. The student must consult with the instructor on the paper's topic, scope and format. After the term begins, students accepted into the course can transfer from Section 01 into Section 02, which meets the R requirement, with consent of the instructor. Automatic grading penalty waived for submission of research paper. Non-law students may enroll with instructor consent. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete and submit a Consent Application Form available on the SLS Registrar website Click SUNetID Login in the top right corner of the page and then click the "Consent Courses" tab. See Consent Application Form for instructions and submission deadline.
Law Honors/Pass/Restrd Cr/Fail
Academic Career
Course Tags
Contemporary Issues
Academic Year
Section Days
Monday Wednesday
Start Time
2:15 PM
End Time
3:45 PM